Privacy Policy is fully aware of the care to be taken about the information of their customers. We appreciate your trust & we are committed to act with utmost care. By visiting you are accepting the practices defined in their policy.

1. Collection of Personally Identifiable Information

We collect personally identifiable information (email address, name,phone number, etc.) from you when you set up a free account with us, While you can browse some sections of our site without being a registered member, certain activities (such as placing an order) do require registration.

2. Use of Demographic and Profile Data

We use personal information to provide the services you request. To the extent we use your personal information to market to you, we will provide you the ability to opt-out of such uses. We use your personal information to resolve disputes; troubleshoot problems; help promote a safe service; collect fees owed; measure consumer interest in our products and services, inform you about online and offline offers, products, services, and updates; customize your experience; detect and protect us against error, fraud and other criminal activity; enforce our terms and conditions; and as otherwise described to you at the time of collection. In our efforts to continually improve our product and service offerings, we collect and analyze demographic and profile data about our users’ activity on our website. We identify and use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our website. Your IP address is also used to help identify you and to gather broad demographic information.

3. Cookies

Cookies are small amount of data, mostly alphanumerical identifiers that are transferred to your computer’s hard drive. They are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser. This helps our system to recognize your browser the next time you enter our site. Our cookies do not contain any personally identifying information. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. To take advantage of Adarsh Enterprises unique features we recommend that you allow cookies.

4. Account Info

All terms & conditions are automatically applied when you use Please ensure to keep the account information & password safe & confidential.

5. Communications & Other Factors

Visitors are welcome to send suggestions, questions, ideas, comments or any other information provided it does not contain obscene, illegal, threatening, defamatory rights or in other way objectionable to us or third parties. Also, the communication should be virus free. We also prohibit chain letters & mass billings. Visitors are requested not to use incorrect e-mail id, mimic any person or misguide the origin of any information.

If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write us an email at as soon as possible, we will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.

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